Board of Directors

Election of the Board

The Bylaws direct that SOFNA shall be governed by an elected Board of Directors. The Board shall consist of seven to eleven directors, including officers.

The 2007 Board took office in January of 2007 and will serve the entire 2007 calendar year.

The third election for the SOFNA Board was held September 24th 2006 in conjunction with the annual Ice Cream Social, again hosted by Debra and Steve Benovitz. The polls were open from 2 PM until 4:30 PM, but absentee ballots were accepted in advance of the meeting. The preliminary count indicates that 28 ballots were cast.


Listed Candidates (vote count in parenthesis)

The SOFNA bylaws also allow for write-in candidates. Write-in candidates included:

Based on these preliminary results, the Board of Directors for 2007 will consist of: