Members and Membership

Our Members are our most important resource.

The Bylaws invite anyone who lives within the neighborhood or has a property interest here, as well as anyone who supports the purpose of SOFNA, to join the neighborhood association. SOFNA has two types of members: (1) Voting members, and (2) Non-voting members or associates.

Voting Members are residents (owners and tenants) and non-resident property owners, age 18 and over. Non-voting members or Associates are individuals, age 18 and over, who support the purpose of SOFNA but do not meet the criteria for voting membership, for example, business owners and former voting members who have moved out of the area. Both types of membership are limited to individuals; entities, such as corporations and partnerships, may not be members of SOFNA.  

Voting and non-voting members receive SOFNA’s newsletter and may petition the Board and membership on neighborhood issues that concern them. Voting members are also eligible to serve on the Association’s Board of Directors, select the Association’s Board of Directors, and vote on issues before the membership. Each voting member is entitled to one vote.