The Bylaws direct that SOFNA shall be governed by an elected Board of Directors. The Board shall consist of seven to eleven directors, including officers.
The 2013 Board will hold office beginning in January of 2013 and will serve the entire 2013 calendar year.
The Eighth election for the SOFNA Board was held in September 2012 in conjunction with the annual Ice Cream Social, hosted by Debra Benovitz. The polls were open from 2 PM until 5:00 PM, but absentee ballots were accepted in advance of the meeting.
According to the SOFNA Bylaws, the Board consists of the 11 candidates receiving the most votes.
Next we verified with each candidate if she or he was willing to serve, as not all of the write-in candidates knew that their name was being promoted. After removing the "declines" from the initial list, we had a final list of 10 who agreed to serve.
At the first Board meeting in 2013, SOFNA expects to seat the 2013 Board consisting of the following Members:
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