Board of Directors for 2012

Election of the Board

The Bylaws direct that SOFNA shall be governed by an elected Board of Directors. The Board shall consist of seven to eleven directors, including officers.

The 2012 Board will hold office beginning in January of 2012 and will serve the entire 2012 calendar year.

The Seventh election for the SOFNA Board was held in September in conjunction with the annual Ice Cream Social, hosted by Debra Benovitz. The polls were open from 2 PM until 5:00 PM, but absentee ballots were accepted in advance of the meeting. SOFNA residents cast a total of 37 ballots this time.


Election results (in order of vote count -- highest to lowest)

According to the SOFNA Bylaws, the Board consists of the 11 candidates receiving the most votes.

Congratulations to the 2012 Board!

At the first Board meeting in 2012 (held January 10th), SOFNA seated the 2012 Board consisting of the following Members:

Early in 2012, Tracy Holzman advised the Board that she was resigning because of a move out of the immediate SOFNA area. The Board reluctantly accepted her resignation.